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Flour Tortillas

3 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 1/4 Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Non-Salted Butter
1 Cup Water

In large mixing bowl combine dry ingredients. Melt stick of butter (I just use the microwave) and combine with mixed ingredients. Using hands combine and break up chunks until mixture is the consistence of damp sand. (Loosely sticks together, finer grains)

This part is messy so start off with one dirty hand, one clean.

Heat water (Microwave again) and slowly mix in hot water. I usually mix about 1/3, use the back of a spoon to scrape dough off my hand, add another 1/3, repeat. You do NOT need to use the full cup of water. Add until down becomes smooth. I usually use a little over 3/4's of the cup but your mileage may vary. It's a dough so you know when it's good.

Knead on clean surface until smooth (~5 minutes). Place dough back in bowl, cover, and let rest for 20 minutes. Divide dough into ~10-12 equal sized balls depending on the size you want. The batch I made this weekend was ~728 grams of dough I divided into 12 balls. The bigger the ball the larger tortilla.

Heat skillet on medium heat.

On a floured surface roll your balls out into roundish shapes with a floured roller(I can never roll them round by hand). Tortilla presses make this way easier if you want invest ~25 bucks.

Cook rolled tortilla ~30-45 seconds a side. The tortillas will form bubbles, that will be your signed to flip.


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